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Number of images: 18
Title: Intracellular Ca2+ dynamics inXenopus melanotropes (pseudocolor)
mov (320 x 240, 1051KB)
avi (320 x 240, 762KB)
asf (320 x 240, 1400KB)

Title: Circular movement of choroplast in leave cells of pondweed (Elodea sp.)
divx (320 x 239, 244KB)
gif (320 x 239, 748KB)

Title: Gliding movement and phagocytosis in a foraminifer (Ammonia beccarii)
mov (400 x 352, 847KB)
divx (320 x 282, 903KB)
gif (320 x 282, 3960KB)

Title: Extreme plasmolysis in an onion epidermis cell
divx (300 x 189, 88KB)
gif (300 x 189, 179KB)

Title: Movement of DIOC-stained mitochondria in a pollen tube of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
divx (356 x 131, 133KB)
gif (356 x 131, 374KB)

Title: Time-lapse recorded movement of Nostoc (blue alga)
divx (320 x 149, 133KB)
gif (320 x 149, 434KB)

Title: Cytoplasmic streaming in an onion epidermis cell
divx (300 x 145, 373KB)
gif (300 x 145, 676KB)

Title: Plasmolysis in an epidermis cell of a red onion
divx (400 x 100, 180KB)
gif (400 x 100, 270KB)

Title: Chromatophores in the skin of a frog ( Rana sp.)
divx (300 x 299, 100KB)
gif (300 x 299, 320KB)

Title: Movement of organelles in a cytoplasmic strand of an onion epidermis cell
divx (300 x 149, 98KB)
gif (300 x 149, 262KB)

Title: Fish louse ( Argulus japonicus) on cultured skin of a carp (Cyprinus carpio)
gif (290 x 272, 576KB)

Title: Pseudocolor display of chloride cells in fish gills
divx (384 x 256, 251KB)
gif (384 x 256, 380KB)

Title: Rotation (3D) display of chloride cells in fish gills
divx (384 x 256, 360KB)
gif (384 x 256, 1275KB)

Title: Cell division during leaf development
gif (275 x 375, 29KB)

Title: Development of a leaf in monocots
gif (572 x 140, 13KB)

Title: Development of a leaf in dicots
gif (367 x 211, 47KB)

Title: Turgor-pressure driven opening of guard cells in stomata
gif (524 x 227, 264KB)

Title: Tip growth in a tobacco pollen tube (germinated in vitro)
gif (211 x 126, 282KB)
mov (211 x 126, 2307 KB)

last modified: 5 Jun 2014