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Smooth muscles of the bladder of a rabbit in long (A) and cross (B) section


spindle-shaped smooth muscle cell
cell nucleus

English name: Domestic rabbit
Scientific name: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Familia: Leporidae
Classis: Mammalia
Phylum: Chordata (subphylum vertebrata)
Regnum: Animalia

Smooth muscle tissue consist of spindle-shaped cell containing each a elliptical nucleus that is surrounded by myoplasm, and myofibrils in longitudinal orientation. Smooth muscles are activated by the autonomic nervous system. These muscles occur among others in the wall of the intestine and the bladder , also in man.
Due to contraction during histological preparation cells got a spiky aspect (see zoom insert). Thanks to this treament the connections between the cells, the so-called desmosomes or 'gap junctions, are clearly visible: 3.

last modified: 5 Jun 2014