1. Animations of serial sections through an embryo of chicken

Movie of cross sections through an embryo of chicken (about 24 hours after fertilization). Duration of this flash movie about 2 min 30 s;. Made by employees of the University of Nijmegen. Copyrights Radboud University Nijmegen.
Download Flasher player 10 or higher (if necessary: the current swf file has been encoded with Flash 9.0).
In this movie micrographs of cross sections through the embryo of a chicken are shown together with descriptions on the visible structures, like the neural fold. Furthermore, views of serial sections from tail to head have been mounted together to an animation (original version from the eighties) so that developmental gradients from tail to head, particularly with regards to the formation of the neural tube and the gut, become evident. This considerable job has been carried out on two different series.
A similar stage of development has been accurately described in the historical book "Patten, B.M. (1920). The Early Embryology of the Chick. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son and Co." Clickon the thumbnail here left for a zoom view.
2. Beating of the heart en blood circulation in an embryo of chicken
Movie of the beating heart and blood circulation in bloodvessels and capillary vessels in an embryo of chicken (about two days after fertilization). Made at the University of Nijmegen. Copyrights Radboud University Nijmegen.
Download Flasher player 10 or higher (if necessary: the current swf file has been encoded with Flash 9.0).
3. Poster on the early embryology in chicken
Free posters on the embryoic development in chicken |
Free poster on the embryonic stages in chicken (compiled from the classical article by V. Hamburger and HL Hamilton from 1951, Journal of Morphology 88: 49-92, published on the internet by interscience.Wiley.com)
Free poster on the early embryonic development in chicken (High resolution; original photographs with labels and explanations in Dutch only so far; Radboud University Nijmegen)
6113 x 8292 px; 5.7 MB; jpg |