The virtual Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM)

From your computer you can connect to the
FESEM simulator and take a look online at a number of microscopic objects. It is possible to operate a number of interactive settings (e.g. magnification, focus and contrast) in the virtual FESEM, exactly like in the real FESEM (for support in operating the virtual FESEM see
FESEM help).
Researchers in biology, (bio)geology, organic and anorganic chemistry and physics employ the field emission scanning electronen microscope (FESEM) to observe small structures (as small as 1 nanometer = one billion of a millimeter!) on the surface of cells and material. A few examples of objects from practical studies with a FESEM are cell organelles and nuclei, synthetical polymers and coatings on microchips. For explanations on the functioning of a FESEM see 'FESEM FAQ'. Are you now curious about what can be observed with other imaging techniques, like confocal laser and video microscopy? Look then here further.

Huub Geurts working at the Cryo-FESEM (Radboud University Nijmegen).
With special thanks to the "InterNLnet Foundation" for supporting this project.
Software development: Jeroen van Beurden. Web structure: Remco Aalbers. Webpages: Elisabeth Pierson and colleagues.