Detail of the epidermis at the underside of a leaf of papyrus |
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With labels Legend:
1 epidermal cells 3 cell wall thickening in guard cells 4 subsidiary cells 2 guard cells of stomata
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English name: Papyrus Scientific name: Cyprus papyrus Familia: Cyperaceae Classis: Monocotyledonas Phylum: Angiospermae Regnum: Plantae
The linear arrangement of epidermal cells, which is typical for monocots, can be seen in this strip of a fresh papyrus leaf. The epidermis cells form a close cover. The normal epidermal cells have a long shape and lack chloroplasts in contrast to guard cells. Guard cells have cell wall thickenings. The large subsidiary cells support the function of the guard cells. Figure A and B are two photographs of the same strip taken at two focus levels. |