Eye formation |
Embryology: eye formation
Eye formation in chicken (48 hours old embryo) |
a, b, c, d : schematical representation of the eye formation overtime; e and f: detail of sections
1 = Neurectoderm, 2 = Epidermal (surface) ectoderm, 3 = Mesoderm, 4 = Optical vesicle, 5 = Optical cup, 6 = lens, lp = Lens placode (lens formation)
Eye formation in mouse (13 days old embryo) |
Section at the level of the brain (eye bud) |
1 = Spine, 2 = Beginning optic nerve, 3 = Retina, 4 = Lens, 5 = Cornea, 6 = Eye bud, 7 = Telencephalon, 8 = Eustachius tube (?), 9 = Semicircular channels |
Oogontwikkeling bij de mens
 last modified: 1 Jan 2012 |